If you want to grow flowers at home

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your home.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. If you place the pineapple outside, keep it in a shady place.

Also, be careful not to expose yourself to sunlight. Pine trees do not like the sun at all.

2. Pine trees thrive in temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit [60 ° C].

3. If you plant pineapples indoors, water the leaves about once a week to keep them moist. Pineapples like moisture.

4. When the soil in the pot is dry, water it. Do not allow water to soak into the pot.

5. If you use fertilizer, you can use the fertilizer that is mainly used for pineapple.

6. It is better to have green moss growing on the ground in the pot. This will help keep the plant moist.

7. If the roots are clogged in the pot, transplant the corn. Do pot planting. Plant in a pot with a hole in the bottom.

8. Pine trees are easy to get infected. In case of infection, the disinfectant can be used as directed.